Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Now thank we all our God
With hearts and hands and voices
Who wondrous things has done
In whom this world rejoices.

Amen to that! As this treasured hymn instructs, let's thank Him on this day...

With hearts. Gratitude starts in the heart. We pause to remember the abundance of blessings He sends-- no matter what struggles and challenges we may have, there are blessings every single day if we have the eyes to see them and the heart open to receiving them.

With hands. We show our thanks with our hands when we share our blessings with others. When we push up our sleeves and serve our neighbors and those in need. Gratitude in action.

With voices. Don't just be thankful, but say it out loud. God loves to hear thankful voices. Say it in prayer. Sing it in song. Tell others of God's faithfulness and grace.

May you and your families have a truly blessed Thanksgiving!

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