Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Last Day of the Year

Sitting in my favorite coffee shop with twenty-five minutes til closing time. And less than ten hours to the closing of the year.

A word keeps popping up in my mind as I reflect on this year...


For over a year I've kept a gratitude journal. Inspired by the story of the ten healed lepers in the Bible, I wanted to be like the one who came back, falling at the feet of Jesus and giving thanks.

Just a handful of things each time I wrote. Some days the items easily flowed from my pen. Other days it took effort to give thanks with the tears. Yet I never once came up empty.

And now as I read back over it, I'm reminded of the transforming power of giving thanks. Of the richness of the gift of life...that from His fullness we have all received (John 1:16).

I'm opening my journal and sharing some of my blessings this year. Won't you join me in counting our blessings as we count down to the new year?

For the YLCF article about fear, and the beautiful thought that God doesn't always ask us to fight the battle--sometimes He just asks us to stand, to stand on His promises, trusting and waiting for Him to save us or fight for us. -Jan. 12

For banana bread and cappucino muffins. -Feb. 24

For safety and security, a home, health, a family and friends, my Faith, and being loved. -March 15

For times when the clouds part and the sun comes out--literally and figuratively. -April 10

For my parents' ability and choices to forgive and not let things ruin our relationship. -May 22

Mercy, grace, hope. -June 29

Eating supper together as a family after a motorcycle ride with dad. -July 18

That even when I struggle to comprehend God, I see parts of Him in the good, the true, and the beautiful because He is the Source of all that. -Aug. 25

The bluejay outside today. -Sept. 20

An hour jog/walk with K. downtown yesterday. -Oct. 10

For the phrase on the radio tonight: "in hope of the grace that is freedom." -Nov. 17

For grace. Always grace. Sufficient, transforming grace. -Dec. 31

1 comment:

  1. Laura, this post was so beautiful and moving. Thank you especially for your words about being the one leper who came back to thank Christ. God bless your New Year!
