Unfortunately I'm joining on the last few days of this blog event, but I LOVE the idea behind it. For the past two weeks, these bloggers have been publicly sharing their blessings as they count down to Thanksgiving. The posts are beautiful testimonies to God's goodness in our lives when we open our eyes to see it. Thank you, Chantel, for hosting this!
Today's theme was
Special lessons God has taught you this year.
Honestly, I don't even know where to begin with this one. This past year has held so many lessons for me-- sometimes I was a willing student and sometimes I just wanted to skip a day in the school of life.
But looking back now...I'm so grateful for the lessons.
I've learned that humans are incredibly resilient.
I've learned that "where the mind goes, the man follows."
I've learned that the devil knows this, and he will make the mind his battlefield.
I've learned that God's grace truly is sufficient; and that when we are weak, He is strong.
I've learned that God does not send us suffering; rather He allows it and then weeps with us and comforts us.
I've learned that joy, trust, faith, and hope are not emotions, but choices.
I've learned that I am like the Pharisees when I focus more on becoming better than on God's forgiveness.
I've learned that I can become so focused on doing God's work that I lose sight of God Himself.
I've learned that forgiving love is one of the most powerful kinds of love.
I've learned that we are all broken, but many people hide it well.
I've learned that our choices have consequences, but we serve a God who knows how to "work all things for good."
I've learned that not everyone can understand each other, but we can still offer a helping hand, a kind word, or a prayer to those in need.
I've learned in a deeper way that relationships with family and friends are amazing gifts to be treasured and nurtured.
I've learned in a deeper way that God can one moment seem so incomprehensibly above and beyond our imaginations-- a sacred mystery...and in another moment seem so comfortingly close, understanding us because He created us and His Son became one of us.
I've learned in a deeper way that He never, ever lets go of me-- and that I never, ever want to let go of Him.