Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday Talk!

Life is Beautiful

I'm so excited to be joining these sweet ladies as a new co-host for Tuesday Talk! 

Tuesday Talk is a weekly link-up for bloggers simply to share writing and stories and to form community! There's no specific topic requirement, which makes it even more like a real-life party. Scroll down to the bottom of this post for the link-up and have fun meeting and getting to know everyone! 

For the readers stopping by for the first time, welcome! I'm Laura! Don't bother going to the 'about me' tab at this time because I'm sadly behind with updating it for the year...soon, though! My life pretty much turned upside-down (or maybe right-side up!) this year as I changed my job, town, home, and marital status!!

A little about me in the meantime...

I am an RN and absolutely love being a nurse. My background mostly consists of cardiology nursing, but I have found a passion for working in crisis pregnancy centers. I currently work for a crisis pregnancy center as a nurse and sonographer (ultrasound). It's a job that continually stretches me and challenges me, as I sit face-to-face and heart-to-heart with women in crisis pregnancies. I love that our center can be a resource of education and information, of compassion and love, and ultimately the
truth that sets one free. I'm pro-woman and pro-life. It tears my heart up to see post-abortive women struggling with guilt and regret and shame. And there's nothing like seeing a gorgeous baby on the ultrasound and knowing that I may be the only one who sees pictures of this little one. Our world is a mess when it comes to the discussion of abortion, but the solution starts one person at a time, one conversation at a time, and getting down in the trenches with women in need. 

My Faith story is a long, beautiful journey of learning intimacy with a perfect God who wants my love, not my perfection. I'm learning that holiness is a life-long process of surrendering each day to the One who made it and allowing Him to use the circumstances each day to mold me into the woman He's created me to be. He has been the One Sure Thing in my life. I seek to follow God through the Catholic Church and my soul has never felt more at home in its beauty and grace and sacraments. 

My country girl heart was captured by the city boy heart of a college campus minister three years ago. This May he made me his wife. Though we both still love college ministry, he now works in full-time pro-life ministry and is an amazing speaker (I'm pretty sure God's going to have him go national someday). 

We lost our first child through miscarriage this July and our lives will never be the same. We knew love like we had never known it before. We find hope that our little one is praising Jesus and praying for us until we can meet him someday. He was carried and loved his whole life and entered into the arms of the Lord. How can we ask for any more as parents?

And then there's the random stuff: I'm crazy about DIY, cookies, holidays and seasons, the written word, little moments, authenticity, and living in the country. 

I tend to keep it real because it's tough being a woman in today's photoshopped world. 

Again, WELCOME to my life and heart. I can't wait to know you better.  

The hosts of Tuesday Talk

Beth - Our Pretty Little Girls ~ Michelle - Grammie Time
Keri - Living In This Season  ~ Christina - Waltzing In Beauty
Lauren - Simply Free Becky - BYBMG
Jess and Katie - Sweet Little Ones ~ Whitney - Polka Dotty Place
Laura - Life Is Beautiful ~ Elizabeth - All Kinds Of Things
Sarah - Abiding In Grace ~ Stephanie - Wife Mommy Me
Emily - Morning Motivated Mom

You can join us on Pinterest, too!

Follow Sweet Little Ones's board Tuesday Talk Features on Pinterest.

Join the party, friends, by linking up with your favorite post from the week! Here's the scoop:

- Please follow your hosts in some way- we would love to connect with you!
- Visit the other links and leave some comment love.
- By linking up to this link party, you give us permission to feature an image on our blog and social media. Proper credit and links will be given!
- Remember to link back using the button or text link.
- Optional: On social media #TuesTalk as you share your post

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Welcome again Laura! Glad to have you aboard.

  2. Good morning, and welcome to Tuesday Talk. So nice to meet one of the new hosts. This is one linky I look forward to each week.

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you look forward to Tuesday Talk!

  3. Good morning, and welcome to Tuesday Talk. So nice to meet one of the new hosts. This is one linky I look forward to each week.

  4. Welcome, Laura! So excited to host with you!

  5. Laura, such a beautiful post!! You are so inspiring, seriously, and I know God is using you (and Pete!) to touch the lives of so, so many people. I pray for you guys often, because I know when you're doing God's will and, as you put it, "in the trenches", Satan is going to come at you with everything he has. But God's got this, and he's got you guys, as you well know!! And you have an awesome little intercessor in heaven ;) I have a little sister in heaven, Therese, and I've been amazed at the ways that she continues to touch my life and the lives of the rest of my family.

    Thank you for all you do to bring the love of Christ to all you encounter!!

    1. You inspire me! You're going to do great things for God throughout your life!

      Thank you deeply for the prayers and encouragement, and for sharing about your sister!

      So, so touched by your whole comment, dear friend.

  6. What a beautiful post, I love learning more about bloggers. Thanks for letting us learn more about you.

  7. Your wedding picture is just gorgeous! Love finding you via the link up!

  8. Welcome to the link up! I enjoy linking up to Tuesday talk every week. What an important job you have! Abortion is such a heartbreaking practice. I keep it real on my blog too! I enjoyed learning more about you in your post!

    1. Hi Emily! Yay for keeping it real! :)

      Very thankful for my job and I love helping women in this way! The Lord is my strength!

      Looking forward to reading your blog!

  9. What a lovely post and a stunning picture! Welcome to the party. I try to link up every week. This week I brought a favorite family dinner (134-136). I hope you enjoy your week. I'm following on Google. :)

    1. Thank you for the welcome! I'm excited to check out your recipe!!

      Enjoy my Pinterest...I get a little crazy pinning sometimes! ;)

  10. Welcome to Tuesday Talk! Glad to have you here.

    What a great opportunity you have to show His compassion and love in your job!
