Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ministry Without a Name

I’ve done a lot of volunteering in the years gone by. I’ve walked dogs at the animal shelter. I’ve played bingo with the nursing home residents. I’ve been a youth leader and a choir member and a server at the soup kitchen.

And it was beautiful. Each time taught me about serving and loving—and how we are all so very much the same at heart.

But during a season of heartache and burnout combined, I drew back. I pulled out of each ministry and sought silence more, simplicity more--Jesus more.

I found that sometimes when we’re in ministry, we focus more on serving than on the One we serve. Sometimes pride creeps in with the labels that accompany our deeds or committees or outreach. We feel justified by our contributions to a named ministry. Sometimes we forget that we are only the vessel.

Read the rest at The Catholic Young Woman...


  1. Thanks for this reminder to make each moment a "ministry moment." That's one of the things I struggle with a lot. I often forget to treat everyone I meet and interact with as I would Christ himself. I'm glad your quiet time with Christ taught you something and that you were willing to share it with others.

  2. Thanks, returningtorome! I STILL struggle with it, trust me. :)
    I hope you're getting excited about Easter vigil!! I'm excited for you! I gave your blog address to a friend of mine who is interested in the Catholic faith.
