Monday, September 12, 2016

Mercy Monday

Yesterday was our parish's 175th (!!!) anniversary. What a beautiful and exciting milestone. Our church was built in 1841. Though I always feel at home in a Catholic church because of the presence of Jesus, I left a dynamic parish family when I got married and we moved to a new town. It took me awhile to want to officially join our new parish because I didn't quite feel settled there yet. But yesterday during the anniversary Mass celebrated by our bishop, and afterwards at the parish festival as we mingled and chatted with so many wonderful people...I told my husband I realized I felt at home here now. This was truly my parish and I loved it. 

One of my favorite things about our parish is our Adoration Chapel. As Catholics, we believe Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist and so an Adoration Chapel is a place where Jesus is there in the Eucharist and we can visit with Him and pray. It is a powerful gift and I always feel such peace and love when I'm there with Him. 

This week my act of mercy is going to be a visit to the Chapel for an hour to pray for others. So many in our families, our workplaces, our communities, and the world are in need of prayer. I know that our Lord has so much mercy (tender, loving kindness) to pour out on all of them. Our prayers can be a conduit of His grace and mercy. 

Join me this week in prayer as an act of mercy


  1. I'm so glad that you are at home in your parish now. What a blessing that you have an Adoration chapel! I really need to get to Adoration-it's "harder" because there are not many Adoration chapels in my city-so this is a great reminder to do that. Thank you! :)

    1. Yes, the chapel is so wonderful! I often struggle to go but whenever I do, I'm always so peaceful afterwards and I wonder why I don't do it more often!!
