Friday, February 12, 2016

With Grit and Grace: February Goals

With Grit and Grace. A Monthly Goals Linkup.

This link up is just what I need! I was inspired by Christina's post and realized how helpful it would be to make simple monthly goals in addition to the usual things that need done. I'm definitely a list person, and goal setting can either inspire me or intimidate me. I think the important thing with goals is to make them realistic and not overwhelming, and to include things that are creative and get you out of your usual routine. My sister and I often lament that by the time we meal plan or prep, clean, work, etc. we don't have the time or energy for other projects or hobbies. But with goal setting, it will help me prioritize these things-- even if it means the dishes sit a little longer in the dishwasher that day!

Here are my goals for February! 

-Spend time with Jesus one hour a week at our Adoration Chapel (this is my Lenten goal as well)
-Make a German chocolate cake from scratch for my birthday
-Organize our pantry
-Make a few Valentines for friends 
-Host a couple for dinner or coffee (this is a monthly goal for my husband and I)
-Create a prayer space in our office
-Trim the Little Dog's nails
-Make nontoxic household cleaners
-Begin organizing our basement

What are your goals for the month? Give me some comment love! :)


  1. I LOVE the goal of hosting a couple for dinner or coffee. I think about this A LOT -- fostering relationships, but also using our home to bless people. We have the space to have people over, and the food to feed 'em, so it just feels right!

    1. YES about using our home to bless people!! Sometimes I get intimidated or tempted not to because it sounds like a lot of work to make dinner certain months, but then I realize it's always important to be hospitable and welcoming, even if it's just for coffee and muffins!! I read a great article called "Messy Hospitality" on that same topic. :)

  2. These are awesome goals! I am also big into lists, though I don't really make long-term lists that much (I usually just make lists one or two days at a time). But, I guess some of my goals for February are to get to daily Mass more often (I'm terrible with hitting the snooze button!), commit to spending more time with my parish's young adult group in a new Bible study that they are starting up, and reading "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (which I haven't read in years).

    1. Me too about the daily lists rather than monthly! This is a new idea for me, but I think I'm going to like it!!

  3. Yay goals! This reminds me that I used to do monthly goals. But then my rebellious side always found some sort of way around them. Sigh. I am horrible at following my own lists and rules and schedules. Anyway! Your goals sound really great. Hosting a couple every month is such a beautiful way to meet and get to know people better! My goal this month is to pass my senior comp. And to keep reading Rediscovering Jesus everyday.

    1. Haha, I rebel against my personal rules, too. ;)

      Ah! So stressful and exciting to be a senior almost graduating!! I'm excited for you! You will totally pass!
