The quaint purple violets, the cheerful daffodils, and the charming hyacinths.
Lovely signs of spring.
How ironic that as I planned to post pictures of the signs of springtime in my backyard, I almost missed these signs of spring right in front of me!
Thankfully, I stopped to enjoy the moment—to drink in the beauty, as Anne of Green Gables would say.
I wonder how often I miss the figurative signs of springtime in my own life. The times when God brings blossoms from the dirt, sunshine after darkness, and rainbows after storms. Am I too busy to notice because I’m still focused on the dirt, the darkness, or the storm? Or am I missing the signs of growth and beauty because they don’t look quite the way I expected?
Something to think about.
For now, I’m looking up. Looking around. And seeing chubby robins scavenging in the grass. Daffodils peeking out of their golden bonnets. Feeling warm, fresh breezes. Hearing joyful melodies from the sparrows in the morning.
Mmmm. Springtime is here, my friends.
And life is beautiful.
Hi Laura, we have so common likes in our profiles. I am so glad to have found your blog. Have a happy weekend. Kathy