Yet she's known around the world today.
Therese of Lisieux.
In January, I had the incredible experience to visit the obscure town of Lisieux, France. When I bought my train ticket in Paris, they didn't even know the town. (Of course, that could have been due to my hopelessly American accent!) It was a crazy adventure all by myself, but full of grace and power and lasting memory. When I arrived home and was perusing books to review, I was delighted to find Three Gifts of Therese of Lisieux, by Patrick Ahern. How perfect!
Little did I know how appropriate this book would be for me. By the time it arrived in the mail, I was picking up the pieces of my broken heart and desperately holding onto hope for the future. Who better to keep me company than Therese, the woman who became holy by living one day at a time with complete trust in and absolute surrender to a loving Father? I liked this book because I saw sides of Therese I hadn't seen before-- her strength, her struggle, her commitment to choosing trust in God. I also appreciated the author, Bishop Patrick Ahern, as he explained and related Therese's example and writings to our lives today.
Ready for some pearls?

"Therese never taught us to seek suffering. What she taught us to do was simply to love life the way it is and ourselves the way we are, to love what she called our 'littleness.'"
" [when dying of tuberculosis] 'If I did not suffer minute by minute it would be impossible, but I see only the present moment. I forget the past and take good care not to anticipate the future.' She had long ago learned that the present moment is the only place where peace and strength are found."
Want more info about the book, including author bio, chapter 1, and more? Check out Image Catholic Books.